Cancellation and Refund Policy

Save9 Fulfilment Policies

The Save9 order fulfilment process is the steps our business takes from the moment we have received your order until it is delivered to you the customer.

Save9 internet services are fulfilled for customers by us initially emailing you a written explanation in a Sales Order confirmation document (attached to your email as an Acrobat PDF file). This includes a full service description, pricing and contract term that you agreed to when placing your order with us.

Delivery policy — a Save9 job-ticket email to you describes to you how and where our services are delivered and on what timeline.

Refunds — Detailed below; this describes under what conditions a Save9 customer can receive a refund.

Cancellations & Returns — Detailed below; this describes under what conditions Save9 customers can cancel their activation, setup, installation or subscriptions and what our policy is on equipment returns.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

How to cancel your Save9 internet service
We’re sorry to hear you’re thinking of leaving us. Please get in touch with us via to discuss your other options – to see if we can change your mind.

To cancel your Save9 internet service, you need to give us 30 days’ notice if you are out of your minimum contract period (as confirmed in your sales order confirmation) unless you’re within your cooling off period.

Please don’t cancel your, Standing Order or BACS Direct Debit or any other ongoing payment with us, as further payments might still be due.

What is the cooling off period?

We offer Save9 customers a standard cooling off period of 14 days.

That means Save9 customers have the right to cancel their order for Save9 Internet Services without giving any reason, any time up to 14 days from the later of: (i) delivery of your Save9 Internet Service; (ii) activation; or (iii) receipt of the relevant terms and conditions for that Save9 product/service.

Cancelling within your cooling off period

Effects of cancellation

If you cancel a contract during your cooling off period, we’ll refund all payments you’ve made to us, including the delivery costs of any equipment you ordered. But if you asked for a service to begin during your cooling off period, you’ll need to pay us an amount proportionate to the service we provided up to the point you cancelled your order.

You won’t get a refund for any one-off fees for activation, installation or set-up services if you cancel a service after activation.

If you cancel an order for equipment, we’ll automatically cancel any related subscription unless you tell us otherwise.

If you order an installation that requires us to activate, setup or install your service but don’t cancel your order before 3.30pm on the working day before your activation, installation or set-up is due to take place, we won’t refund that charge because we’ll incur costs that we can’t otherwise recover.

Cancelling outside of your cooling off period

Cancellation period

A minimum of 14 days’ notice (cancellation period) is required to cancel your Save9 internet services.

Early termination charges

When you sign up to a Save9 internet service a minimum contract period applies (also known as a minimum term). For most Save9 products and services, the minimum contract period is 12 or 24 months unless otherwise stated.

If you stop receiving or cancel a Save9 internet service before your contract ends (minimum term), you might have to pay an early termination charge or all the fees due to the end of that minimum term. But we’ll let you know if you do and how much they’ll be.

Final bill payments are taken a month in advance, so you might still be billed for the full month ahead after your service has been cancelled.

But don’t worry, once your service has ended, any credit on your account will be put back in your payment account (i.e. the credit or debit card you used) after 45 days.

Returning equipment

If you cancel a contract, you’re responsible for returning any equipment without undue delay, using the returns method provided.

Full Terms & Conditions

Please visit to review your Save9 internet service terms and conditions

How to get in touch
If you’re not clear about any of the things we’ve explained in this policy, or if you’ve got any questions, get in touch at